Truth about 4 FSI in Gaothan Areas of Navi Mumbai

Recently, the Govt of Maharashtra gave a Green Signal to the proposal of 4 FSI in Gaothan Areas of Navi Mumbai. FSI is the amount of construction legally permitted on a plot of land. In Navi Mumbai, the current FSI is 1.5 (Max) for 99% of the areas. For the remaining 1% of tender plots, the FSI is just 1. So basically, if the Area of the plot is a 100 square meters, one is allowed to construct a building measuring 150 square meters of Built-Up area. This 150 square meters does not include areas like the lift, staircase, common passages, meter room, pump room, lift room etc.

FSI is very very important in determining the strain, load and quality of life in a given area. The more the FSI, the more the population living in a given area, the more the crowd, the more the traffic, the more the stress on civic services like drainage, parking etc.

But this FSI rule has been blatantly flouted in the Gaothan areas (areas in every node where the original inhabitants of Navi Mumbai illegally squatted on govt when their land was taken over by the Govt in 1970’s). Over a period of time, The villagers in connivance with local leaders and Municipal officials turned this Gaothan area into a hotbed of illegal construction by constructing full fledged housing complexes on the plots meant for their personal residence, throwing all rules into the dustbin and turning these areas into concrete jungles with nobody to answer to. Many a times these buildings collapsed and caused casualties too..but the problem persisted as nobody wanted to kill the golden goose which laid a lot of eggs for the local politicians and municipal officers along with the villagers who constructed buildings and sold flats at dirt cheap rates to gullible buyers.

A demolished illegal building

After many years of delay, the govt recently announced a scheme whereby all illegal constructions which have consumed upto 4 FSI would be ‘legalized’.
Most people think that this decision means that Gaothan areas will now become a builder’s paradise where huge buildings (high rises) will be constructed and flats sold to buyers. However this is far from the truth.

In reality this scheme will only …

  • Legalize the constructions which came up before December 2012.
  • It will not change the FSI rules applicable in Navi Mumbai Gaothan areas in any way .
  • No highrises will be permitted in Gaothan Areas .
  • Structures which have consumed more than 4 FSI will still face action.
  • Any structures with more than the allowed FSI ( 1 or 1.5) that come up henceforth after 2012 will be demolished.
  • The FSI rules already incorporated in the GDCR (General Development Control Regulations) of Navi Mumbai are still valid and have to be complied by all.

The next time someone tells you about the goldmine of 4 FSI in Gaothan areas, remember what you read here.

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