Ulwe villagers demand 20 crores per acre for airport land

A meeting with the villagers of Ulwe on 31 july,2012,ended without a resolution as villagers demanded an astronomical amount of 20 crores per acre or 40% of the surrendered land as compensation. Earlier, CIDCO had acquired most of the Navi Mumbai land from villagers at a rate of 12.5% of the acquired land. The govt had agreed to give them 22% of the land surrendered to CIDCO for the airport but the villagers refused. The villagers have been stalling all land acquisition since last September on this demand. There are 7 villages that are demanding this.
Its worth mentioning that the airport was supposed to be functional by 2015,but going the way they are and withdrawal of the environmental clearance by the forest dept of Maharashtra, its anybody’s guess as to whether the airport will ever see the light of day.

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